Frequently Asked Questions


Our first name was Rainy Day Therapy. This name was dear to my heart as it represented moving to Oregon and opening a practice on my own. As we continue to grow, it seemed the name needed to grow as well. When researching we came across The Festival of Floralia celebrating The Goddess Flora who was known for fertility, flowering plants, and springtime. These represent the spirit of our practice; to grow and learn more about ourselves as women. We believe therapy is a celebration of who we are as humans, embracing our flaws, understanding how we operate as women, and learning to change. 

Why don’t you take most insurance panels?

Insurance makes billing for certain diagnoses very complicated and they can often deny claims or make it difficult for providers to get paid the appropriate amount for a session. After much experience with billing insurance, it is best for Floralia to work with insurance companies that have the client's best interest at heart for their mental health needs. I am currently paneled with commercial Pacific Source (not OHP). My out of pocket rate is $180 per 50 minute session and $220 for the initial intake session. I am happy to bill out of network insurance companies.

Why is therapy so expensive? 

Floralia believes therapy is an investment in your current mental health and your future. Just like going to a Dr appointment or massage, therapy helps you be a better version of yourself. We would love to have a conversation around costs to help you better understand what this means. Here is a link that helps explains this well.

Will you see male identified clients? 

We still see male identified clients and the practice is open to seeing more. We are focusing mostly on women, but we are open to seeing anyone who falls in line with Floralia’s values. 

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